We’re shaping the future with steel

With its sites in Völklingen, Burbach and Neunkirchen, Saarstahl is among the world’s most prominent manufacturers of long products. The company specializes in the production of wire rod, bar steel and premium-quality semifinished products. The product range also includes open-die forgings such as turbines and generators. The products are important primary products for the automotive industry and its suppliers, for the construction industry, the aerospace industry, and for general machine manufacturing. Every fifth tire in Europe, for example, rolls on wire made by Saarstahl.

The Saarstahl subsidiaries are also leaders in processing within their product categories. Saarstahl and AG der Dillinger Hüttenwerke also each hold a 50% direct and indirect interest in Zentralkokerei Saar and in ROGESA Roheisengesellschaft Saar. Saarstahl sells its products in Germany through direct marketing. Outside Germany, the products are primarily sold through the company’s local marketing companies, including those located in the United States, China and India.


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